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Cell: 763.331.4775

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Why You Should Sell Your Home in January....Not This Spring

Thinking of selling your home this upcoming Spring?

Here is why you should think again, and sell in January!

As 2016 nears an end, we are seeing a record low number of homes for sale and available to buyers, hitting levels we haven't seen in decades.  All while the number of closed sales is increasing year over year.  Don't take my word for it, check out the stats:
                                            November ’15      November ‘16           +/-Change
Homes for Sale                                     13,858                    10,577                    -23.7%
Closed Sales                                          3,402                     3,835                     +12.7%
Months’ Supply of Homes                        2.9                         2.1                       -27.6%
Average Days on the Market                      73                          61                       -16.4% 

As you can see from the above stats, there’s a shortage in supply of homes for sale, which has increased buyer competition, and often resulting in buying homes for more than list price. 

Why listing your home for sale now is better than the spring:

  • Much less competition with other sellers
  • Only serious buyers are out looking
  • Better price for your home

            As home sales cool off during the holiday season, this is the perfect opportunity to create a marketing plan to list your home for sale after the New Year.  The home buyer season doesn’t wait until the snow melts; it ramps up again in January right after the Holiday’s.

Click here for current Minnesota Homes For Sale.

Like my Facebook page here.

Contact Me:
Cell: 763.331.4775

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